Tuesday, March 23, 2004

...The First day of UHB...

"There's a shade come over this heart that's coping with laying down to rest
It's the same old story of love and glory that broke before it bent
It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...

Dying -Five for Fighting-

Ternyata duduk depan ga slamanya ga enak lho,, tadi gw duduk didepan aja gituuuu,, PW ko',, ga tau knp,, atau emang krn gw mau duduk dmana jg enak?? hmmm,, klo misalnya duduk diblakang,, sugestinya gede.. kadang2 gw suka brasa mata guru pengawas ngliatin gw muluuuu,, tp klo didepan,, brasa tenang ajah.. ehehhehe, bener kata Manggala!Anyway,, tadi pas Geografi Alhamdulillah gw bisa,, Fisika? mmm,,lumayan lah, nyesel sih ga blajar,, pdhl gampang tuuhh,,=( Seni Rupa,, oohh noo,,gw blank! gw ga baca LKSnyaaa.. kebanyakan ngobrol sih lo nes!! xP intinya,,klo gw ga salah itung,, ulangan Geografi gw, insyaAllah dapet 8,6.. tau yah, bener apa engga... tapi yg bikin nyesek,, Fisika, klo gw itung2,, cuma dapet 6 koma skian,, uwwggghhh!!! knp ga 7 ajah?? hehehehhe,,

Tadi smpet ke PIM gitu sama nyokap,, makan siang,, trus gw ke gramed dhe,, beli Saman-nya Ayu Utami.. ngumpulin buku bwt dibaca stelah UHB,, hhehehehe,, sampe rumah, sperti biasa,, cek friendster, cek e-mail.. ga boleh lama2,, klo ga kebablasan, ga blajar lagi,, xP

Bsok UHBnya, Matematika, B.Inggris, Agama,,,
Let see... hMmmm,, gw blajar Agama dulu,, sip,, udah lumayan afal,,, B.Inggirs?? mmmm,,,gw aja ga tau bahannya apaan,,, ^^, next-next,,, skrg gilirannya matematika,,, uwggghh!! baguuuuussss,,, gw ga ngerti ajaaa gituuuuu,,,, pertidaksamaan kuadrat?? masih lumayan,, pertidaksamaan pecahan?? huwh! jangan tanyaaaa,,,!! identitas trigonometri?? wasalam! nyyyettttt!! gilaaaa,,gw pusiinggg,, gw ga ngerttii,, gmana nasib gw bsok yaaahh??? =|

bener kata fika dhe,, mending tidur,, trus bsok tinggal baca-baca ulang,,, huhuhuhu,,

...good night nes,, good night all,, sleep tight and have a nice dream c^^. ...

-Five For Fighting-

I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed
I Watered all the rocks growing in my head
I Had a thought...and fell asleep on you...

There I was somewhere West of Tomorrow Land
Flying through the stars just like Peter Pan
I said...Damn this looks too good to be true...

There she goes... my heart again (would you mind rolling over)
I can feel it in the air (something's coming down)
I don't know and I don't care that it's a small world

It's a nice day if you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...

In my dream everybody's got a little house
A dog, a bank account managed by Mickey Mouse
And the only thing we fight about is the Lakers...

In my dream all the pirates down in Neverland
Never get the Hook... they just get a hand
While the crocs sing Superman till we just can't take it...

There she goes... my heart again (do you mind rolling over)
I can feel it in the air (something's coming down)
I don't know and I don't care if it's a small world

It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day if you wake up in Disneyland...

We can fly away...

I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed
I Watered all the rocks growing in my head
I Had a thought... and I looked up to see

The sign read the park she's closed today
E-tickets don't work here no more anyway
Where every day's a magic day to be free You see...

It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day should you wake up in Disneyland...
It's your L.U.C.K.Y. day should you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day should you wake up in Disneyland...

....Trust me,, this song is good!! thanks yg udh ngerekomendasiin ni lagu,, sumpaaaa yaaa.. enaaakkkk bangetttt,,,!!!.....

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